how to ride a motorcycle. So first of all, we ride the motorcycle you go look at your back and say okay. Is this a motorcycle if it is motorcycle proceed to the next step if it is not a motorcycle get a motorcycle.
She always want to get out of motorcycles on the kickstand sides because it's easier so you get on straddle Applause it bring it flat tour. Okay. Now that you're on your motorcycle, you need to turn it on. You just got to turn the key on but not going to turn the bike on itself. See you kickstands down you almost forgot that before you get rolling.
You need to put that kickstand up. Okay, the bike is in fact in gear because that's how I parked it somewhere to just kind of kick it in neutral note that second gear. I can't help but notice that this isn't neutral now that your bike is in neutral you need to make sure you kill switch is not if it's on hit that button it won't start put your kill switch off you hit that button.
But I guess you got to pull in the clutch on these things. So that's how they are. I guess it's relatively simple on how to get going. I'm going to turn my bike around toward.
I'm facing a straight line because if you're new to riding the last thing you want to do is put yourself in a position where you have to turn right after acceleration because you're going to freak out book.
Well when then you're going to die and we don't want that make sure this is a good way to practice the first thing that most people mess up with is the clutch since this is a beginner bike. I'm going to go through the steps actually if you don't mind.
Recycle you can skip the steps. This will be kind of funny but yet informative and teach a lot of people had to ride motorcycles because I'm that motorcycle friend that has a motorcycle and teaches people how to ride I guess that's like and by the way, once you get a motorcycle, you're going to have everyone in their mom be like Peter jewelry book one room booked.
So that's just how this goes. Now the bikes on how do you proceed? Well, you need to accelerate. So obviously you're going to twist the throttle it's not going to go anywhere because you're not here.
So to put your bike in gear 3 to push the clutch first. Skier on 99% of all bikes is down one. So you press your shifted down one time to go into first gear.
You can go and accelerating first gear. Thankfully this bike which is pretty neat has a gear indicator perfect for new rights. Now, the way gears are on motorcycles. Usually throw people off you have neutral first gear is below neutral. So what click down to go in first year? So first gear is below neutral second gear is above neutral. So it's so it's third and fourth and fifth and sixth if it's a 6. If it's out there, we'll have five years.
So first neutral second third fourth fifth and potentially six if you have six beats like this bike does my magnet is not the best way to do it. It's not an empty parking lot. Like I've done where there's people cute older ladies in a caravan. You're going to pull the clutch put it in first gear. So click it down and you just going to practice going in a straight line.
You're not going to worry about turning because this is how people mess up and here's what's going to happen the first couple of times if you're really Ali if you're really new don't have any experience driving Mayo cars, here's what's gonna happen you're going to start to go and then you're going to stop that's exactly what's going to happen for a lot of people the best way to fix this I figured out over the years. It's to just practice Feathering the clutch don't even worry about accelerating put your hand on it, but don't turn it.
Don't turn it just keep your hand rested on it. So you're just going to practice letting out the clutch and walking the bike you're going to feel the clutch start to grab you can hear it here the end.
Grab here is sort of like lower RPM. You hear it? You hear that starts to grab and the bike will start to move forward.
So what you're going to do is you're going to let the clutch out the bikes going to start to move on its own just very slowly and start walking the bike. And then some don't go any farther than that. We're going to practice this a couple of times. So we start let the clutch out. I trust move on its own and then eventually the Bible cuffs on its own and then you stop hey puppy. This has been the easiest way.
I found a top in teaching people who have never used a clutch before. So again, no acceleration. I'm not touching the throttle at all. You're just going to let the bike go under its own weight Walk It Forward a little bit and now the Bible Coast on its own weight , but now there's a turn so you're basically just going to do that if you've ever ridden a School don't know how to do this, but don't worry about doing what I'm doing.
Don't worry about circles if people probably think of let the clutch out you're not apply throttle let it walk under its own weight move your feet begin to walk it and if I can move on its own and then at that point you can apply throttle accordingly and just do this a couple times until you get a feel for the clutch.
This is the most appropriate way to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Otherwise you're going to stall All a bunch like that and I did that by the way, I'm doing this on purpose to show you how it's going to be for your first couple of times. If you've never had any experience with motorcycles before they let me explain this off mic.
So I don't wreck my shit. What a lot of people do is they will begin to accelerate and this is why I teach people to practice with the clutch without using any acceleration to begin with because they'll start to go faster than they want to go. They'll grab a really tight and when they do that it twist the throttle this is called whiskey throttle when you would when you grab on tight cause you're scared.
You're going to grab the frontal that's going to twist and then the bike is going to accelerate even more and you're going to lose control of it. You're going to dump it at probably about 20 miles an hour down the road because you've lost control this happens to a lot of people. So if it does happen to you don't feel bad, but I've given you the appropriate steps to avoid that practice with the clutch first. This is the most important part after you get that you can begin to apply for all and then the rest is pretty simple.
You've got your brake here and you also have another break there. So let's practice shifting into second. So now the first gear I'm going to accelerate to shift into second. You're going to pull in the clutch to shift in a sec. You're going to pull in the clutch click up all the way through and now you're in second gear see how that feels fruit. You're coasting kind of ship pulling the clutch. Click all the way up into second. And now in second gear, of course, I did it early. So maybe the sound but you get the idea and then third is to stop again.
This makes sense. I hope it does and I hope that this has been helpful and then you and then you just practice doing figure eight my weak side or my right turns. I'm way better at turning left that I am turning right I would make a great NASCAR driver. So for me, I will just practice doing figure eights and I've been writing for years now and my right turns are still not as good as my life's. But they just don't feel as good as you know, I'm saying practicing Figure Eight's in an empty parking lot where no one's going to mess with you as a good way to practice turning you're going to start out why you're gonna start out really wide a wide.
Turn. You're going to say. Oh, no, I don't think I can make that trust me. If you lean correctly. Your bike can make it Lee left and then eventually start getting a little bit more down and that made to White of turn. You can continue to get down lower and lower until you feel uncomfortable. One thing you want to avoid while turning his full lock. You never want that motorcycle to hit full lock because once you do that this once the motorcycle hits full lock for the handlebars can't go any further. The bike center of gravity is usually over itself and will drop it. So yeah, that's how to ride a bike featuring do with again. If you want
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