
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

How to select a Fishing Rod and Reel

Glass makes a big difference Derive matters. So the wider the diameter of the rod is stiffer. It's going to be and the fitter the rasa more flexible. It's going to be it's a little counterintuitive but thin solid fiberglass rods are very strong thick rods that are made of fiberglass tend to be more brittle and break easier Eagle ass and S-Class are kind of The Next Step Up in quality.
How to select a fishing rod and reel

There are these sort of hybrids I don't know a lot about the technology that goes into e glass or ask glass but the end result is that you have rods that are lighter and they're able to handle a bigger range of fish Chad Ferguson series whisker Seekers.

     These are assessed glass rod.  and one of the things that I really like about these S-Class blanks is their high quality links and they have the ability. to generate a lot of power you can But you think through a lot of stress and they can generate a lot of force for big fish, but they still are soft and floppy for the smaller catfish, which I typically catch I don't catch a huge catfish every single day.

So if you want to catch a variety of fish from little guys two big guys and have fun doing it higher quality blinks like S-Class and E glass blanks will do that a lot better.
There's also So a lot of fishing rods on Market now that are being made with carbon fiber carbon fiber is very strong and very light but it is not very flexible.
Unless you get very high quality carbon fiber.

However, there's some very cheap carbon fiber rods on the market and the cheap ones tend to be very brittle. So if you see a cheap carbon fiber rods versus a cheap fire glass rod, I would get the cheap fiberglass Rod over a cheap carpet. Override If you're debating about whether to get a one-piece Rodriguez has a two-piece Drive. Don't sweat it too much the technology and feral designs of modern rods is improved so much over the years that really there's very little difference between a one-piece wrought a two-piece Rod anymore. It's still matters and some models more than others.

 They're definitely two of these rods are a little bit heavier and they feel a little bit different but the difference is not as big as it. You used to be so don't. Don't make your life hard just to do a void a two-piece Rod, you know, if you can if you can handle one piece, right great. If not, don't sweat it into piece right? It's not a bit. It's not a huge deal anymore.
What are the things people obsess about way too much as how powerful the rod is whether or not it will break because of a big fish breaking a rod or on a large fish is rare.
 It really is where I've done it but almost every time I've done it it's because the ride was damaged or worn out, okay. It was it really the fish. The fish was just the last straw Okay, the reason why it's so rare to brake rods on fish is because in your fishing system Rod the real the line and the rod is the strongest part. Okay, you'll break the line a lot. You'll break the real a fair amount, but it's rare to break the rod on a fish car doors children, you know ceiling fans, you know that they take out rods all the time.
But fish rarely do it and one of the reasons for this is that the reels are often not nearly as strong as the rod. So here's a great example. I've got his caught a catfish rod and reel combo. I've got 50$ monofilament. I've got a cast Keen Rover 90l and I've got the big cat fever a heavy Rod.

     So the big cat fever medium heavy Rod handles. Over a hundred pounds of force without However, this line can only handle 50 pounds of horse till it breaks when it's brand-new.

 And this real can only generate 20 pounds of drag. So with this system the absolute MAX Pressure I can generate is 20 pounds. Okay, the weakest link limits the system.
    So the line will never get 50 pounds of force on it without locking up the real. Because the real view only generate point on the breath. And this will never break under normal conditions because 20 pounds of force is not even a fifth of what this rock can handle and this is pretty common with lots of Rod and Reel combos.
     The rails are much weaker than the rod. So don't worry too much about whether or not you're on strong enough to handle a big fish. It's really about your real with that. Let me talk about reels pairing up rods and reels, you know, you look, At Price you don't want to put a $200. A lot of $50 Rod you look at wait. Okay, you want big beefy reels a big beefy rods and you want life real on light rods. So what I think you want to do is look at the spine of the rod at the recommended line weights.
        So this one says about 20 to 60 pounds and you want to use a real that has a max drag that falls within that recommended light weights.

How to select a fishing rod and reel

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